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Still Buying Bottled Water? Save Money and Live Healthy Now

Savvy consumers are learning that an investment in a water filtration system can actually save money over buying bottled water. Bottled water is awkward, heavy to cart around, and environmentally unfriendly. Today’s water treatment systems allow you to enjoy exceptional water quality without the heavy bottles. And best of all, a filtration system provides your entire home with great water – from showering to cooking, you and your family will immediately appreciate the better taste and health benefits of pure water.

Here are a few benefits of treated water:


Buying bottled water is expensive! Depending on your consumption, you can rent a water treatment system for comparable annual costs and provide your family with clean, pure water for all their needs!


Did you know that there are few regulations on bottled water testing?
Town water goes through regular, stringent testing. Municipal requirements ensure that local test results are released publically. Tests for bottled water are considered voluntary. By treating municipal water for taste and purity at your home, you’ll enjoy the very best in water quality. Water makes up 60% of the human body, and your family deserves high quality water to help them replenish and grow.

Environmental Impact

Bottled drinks make up a large bulk of the waste seen in our oceans, lakes, and rivers. By investing in your tap water and by using reusable water bottles, you’ll significantly decrease your carbon footprint. Improve how your family operates with a certified filtration system from McLeod’s EcoWater.


In a convenience culture where bottled water is always available, many people have never experienced clean, pure filtered water. While some people have experienced carbon filtered drinking water using small pitchers, just imagine your entire home having treated water! That feeling of drinking healthy water without a doubt of impurity or plastic seepage, and knowing you aren’t harming the environment can’t be beat. A filtration system from McLeod’s EcoWater will also re-introduce beneficial minerals to your water supply, which makes your family healthier and happier. At McLeod’s EcoWater, we offer free, no –obligation water testing. We rent filtration systems without a contract, and we offer rent-to-own plans. Make a positive environmental impact, invest in the health and well-being of your family, and save real money by investing in an EcoWater filtration system from McLeod’s EcoWater.